The above link shows the average salaries for orthoptists in key cities around the United States. It lists them according to location and everything. You can type in your own personal location, and find out the average salary of a Orthoptists in that area. The above link takes you to a website describing the financial details of being an Ocularist. It talks about the different location more beneficiary for an Ocularist. This is beneficiary for those trying to decide which job will be the best fit for their lifestyle. In the link above you can find key information on the salary of an Optician. This is beneficiary for those trying to decide which job will be the best fit for their lifestyle. The above link will take you to a site page that describes the salary of an ophthalmologist and every way to either boost your salary or  if you some how desire to keep it minimized. This is beneficiary for those trying to decide which job will be the best fit for their lifestyle. The link above will take you to a online survey performed by American Optometric Association (AOA) that is very precise and layed out for easy understanding and comprehension.  This is beneficiary for those trying to decide which job will be the best fit for their lifestyle. The above link takes you to a website that will hit on a few key points on the benefits of being an optometrist including the hours, pay, and demand. The above site will give you the average salary of being an Optometrist as well as other basic info for the field. While the other salary sites deal with location and other factors this site strictly is about the average all optometrists make. The site shown above will explain everything that is included with being a ocularists. The link above will take you to a site that describes what being a Orthoptist entails. The above link will lead you to a site that will introduce you too and describe in depth what it is to be a Optician.